Okay, you'll realize in about five seconds why that was the worst pun in a title EVER.
I'm on the Tillamook Fan Club website again!
(Tillamook makes cheese. Get it? Cheese? Culture? *sigh*)
So, turns out they don't have bots posting things; they have robot interns! And these robot interns have a sense of humor! So humorous are they that I am once again on their online buzz page on their website. It also appears that my site was passed around the office or something, judging by the increase in Portland readers in my Sitemeter statistics.
Lost? It's okay. It all started with this, and continues here and here.
Also on the interwebs: my MIT Admissions Guest Blog (courtesy of Snively - thanks!!!).
In other news... It's IAP at MIT! Basically, that means the next month is going to be full of fun awesome-ness (and I think I'm going to spend some time concentrating on expanding my vocabulary...). I'm re-taking 18.01 (don't ask) and I'm also taking a darkroom photography class. The photo class is going well - I'm halfway through it right now. It's a refresher course for me (I started playing around with 35 mm cameras and darkrooms about five and a half years ago, but I haven't been in a darkroom in a while) and it's strange to realize just how much I missed the darkroom. Today we went through the film development process, and it was kind of funny how the smell of developer and fixer triggered so many memories of working in the darkroom at Sheridan High School for hours on end, only emerging to eat lunch. Included in the class fee is darkroom access for the whole month. Essentially, I'm going to be spending a lot of time in there (when I'm not enjoying all the other amazing things going on around campus and Boston).
Just so you know, when you're back at MIT, there are a number of locations where you can find Tillamook products in the Boston area.
Tillamook's Web site says Houlihan's and McCormick & Schmick's use Tillamook cheese. Both have locations in Boston.
Product selection will vary at each location, but below are the retailers that carry select Tillamook products. You also can get the product online.
* Bread & Circus Supermarkets – Massachusetts
* Crystal Foods – Boston
* De Lucas Market – Boston
* Seacrest Foods – Boston
* Trader Joe’s – Boston
* Whole Foods – Boston
Hope that helps,
Intern-Bot, Tillamook Cheese Fan Club
I laughed at the pun. Just so you know.
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