29 March 2009

Biting the Twitter Bullet

I did it.

I finally joined Twitter.

It's weird...  I feel like a lot of people are joining Twitter, and supposedly this is THE new thing.  I also feel like this is going to be something I will quickly get addicted to (especially because I can use my cell phone to update, from anywhere!) just like facebook and blogging and the myriad of other internet things I check compulsively every five minutes.  But, oddly enough, I don't think I actually know anyone that uses Twitter.  Okay, I'm sure I do - I am a student at MIT after all, so if it's on the internet, I know at least one person here that knows about it - but I don't actually know who or usernames or anything.  So Twitter looks a little lonely right now...

Please don't let me be that loner kid that no one talks to.  I'm nice, I swear.


Anonymous said...

I joined twitter out of curiosity then promptly deleted my account. I already waste enough time on the internet.

KelseyK said...


I'd been considering joining for a while, and then I just decided to do it... I spend far too much time on the internet as well, but I kind of can't resist. Like, where else am I going to read about how Colin Meloy met Johnny Marr in ikea?

Oh my. This is going to be bad. :)

Anonymous said...

Huzzah Twitter! I joined forever ago, friended ~5 people, and basically left it alone because it was mostly quiet. Then, like, a month ago, there was a Twitter explosion. It was interesting :D