25 July 2009

The Same Old Excuses

No, I haven't dropped off the face of the planet, I promise. I just need to actually sit down and blog...

Coming soon:
  • My adventures in San Francisco with my friend Natalie
  • Music goodness
  • Tales of a treasure hunt in which technology was no help (a.k.a. a recent geocaching/hiking trip)
  • A cell phone review for the ages
  • The latest addition to my family (hint: it has a tail)
  • Why I'm the worst sister in the world (and an exploration of molasses consumption)
  • Just how behind I am in Infinite Jest
... and probably a lot more!

This summer, despite things for Berkeley falling through, has been one big adventure with my friends and family. As such, there's been little time to sit down and chronicle it for you all. Sorry about that! I will definitely be making a bit more time to blog, so stay tuned!

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