09 February 2009

More coming soon...


This Saturday is a holiday! Well, two holidays, to be precise!

Not only is it Valentine's Day, it's also the 150th anniversary of Oregon's statehood!

In honor of the state that spawned Kettle Chips and Tonya Harding, my radio show tonight will consist entirely of music from Oregon bands!!! So, show Oregon some love and listen in!

http://wmbr.org at 10 PM PST/1 AM EST, 9/10 February!

And I will do a real update soon, I promise! I have to blog about IAP, concerts, and spring term, so that's what you have to look forward to! This week is looking like it's going to be a little hectic, so I can't say when I'll be posting again, but I will try to make it soon.

In the meantime, here's a nerdy video featuring music by The Fall and chemistry. I officially love the EU.

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