12 June 2009

I Think a Part of Me Just Died

My younger brother and I were watching some music videos on VH1 Classic (because I am a cruel, mean, and terrible older sister and had control of the remote) when the video for "Miss You" by the Rolling Stones (from the album Some Girls) came on. At this point my brother asked who the artist was.

Naturally, I was stunned. Mick Jagger was taking up the entire screen at that moment, so I asked him to guess.

His guesses?
Bob Dylan
Jim Morrison
Elton John

I think it's pretty safe to say that none of these men really look like Mick Jagger.

Now, his music illiteracy might be excusable, perhaps even a touch endearing, if he were six or something. But he's not. He's fifteen. 15! We have Some Girls on vinyl in our basement! We have other albums by the Rolling Stones on vinyl in our basement! We have multiple record turntables in this household! Basically, this is highly unacceptable, and I'm kind of ashamed.

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